Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Come on grow already!

The other day I was putting away some clothes that Brylee is starting to out grow and I was shocked at how many 0-3 month clothes she was still wearing. I couldn't believe it. She still can fit into most of her 3-6 month outfits but I Started to put them away anyways ( I'm getting tired of them and want her to start wearing her 6-9 month outfits). She is nine months old and should be out growing them by now.


Tara Bergsjo said...

I am afraid she will always be a shrimp! But we love her so much!

Lish Fish said...

Enjoy it! They grow too fast!

Kevin and Heather said...

Maisey is in 3-6 months clothes. Thats hard to believe Brylee is that little. I need to see that little cutie again.

My Family


Brylees Adventures!