Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Steps

Today Brylee stood on her own and then a couple of hours later took her first steps without holding on to anything. I was worried that she wouldn't be walking by the time C.J. gets here, But I guess there is still hope.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Black Eye

Brylee kept trying to open the DVD Recorder on our computer today. I kept moving her away from it, well she threw a tantrum fell and hit the corner of her eye on the desk. I'm sure she will have a pretty good black eye in a few hours.

I asked Brylee where her owie was she kept pointing to the wrong eye!

Nield Family Reunion

We had our Nield family reunion this weekend. We went and stayed at a cabin in Island park and then on Saturday we all went to Yellowstone. It was a lot of driving but we had fun, Especially Brylee. She loves hanging out with all her Aunt, uncles and cousins.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Found out today I have Gestational Thrombocytopenia. The doctor told me that this means my body isn't making enough blood pallets. I still don't understand exactly what this means either, but I guess there is a good chance I won't be able to have an epidural and then there is risks of blood clots? I'm not sure I'm trying to do a little research to find out more. But if anyone knows any thing about this let me know.
Brylee loves corn on the cob.
Brylee and Noel coloring together.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Quick update!

I thought I would give you all a quick update on my pregnancy. I went to the doctor today and he said everything looks good and he has a strong heart beat. I told him I felt allot bigger then I feel like I should be. So he measured me and said that's because your measuring two weeks bigger then you should be. He told me he would make sure I don't get to big and that if I don't go into labor by my 38Th week he wants to start me. So it will probably be about eight more weeks till our little C.J. is here.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another busy weekend

We went to the fair on Saturday with Tara and her kids. It was another really hot day. Brylee was so good. She loved to watch the rides, but hated going on them. We were kinda mean and made her tuff it out on some of the rides. They wouldn't let me take her on any rides because I'm pregnant (except for the Mary go round), So it was up to Mckayla and Tara. Brylee would just hold on to Mckayla as hard as she could, she would cry and put her face in Mckaylas lap till the ride was over. It was so sad but also very cute. Mckayla was such a good cousin and would try to make it so she wasn't scared. After the fair we stopped at Tod and Leslie's house they just painted and we wanted to see how it turned out. It looked really good. Their new puppy lucky did not like Brylee to much. he would bark and growl at Brylee the whole time.
On sunday we got some bad news. We were suppose to move into Justin's Grandmas house in Sept and found out that the people living there now won't be out till the beginning of next year. So now were back to square one trying to figure out where we are going to live. There are not allot of options around here and absolutely nothing in Kemmerer where Justin works. Hopefully we can figure it out before our new baby gets here.

Bonnie, Brylee & I went to Rasberry days on Thursday. It was a lot of fun, but also very hot. Brylee has loves hanging with grandma. She is always climbing on her lap and wanting to eat whatever grandma is eating.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Our Weekend

We went to Logan this weekend. We went down sat. morning. That evening my dad and Micala watched Brylee for us so we could go to dinner and a movie. We went to Iron gate grill and then saw the Dark Night. We had a good time. Brylee didn't even care that we were gone for that long. She had such a good time with her Grandparents. The next day we went to church at my Dads ward. Tara and her kids came as well. After church my dad and Micala were set a part for there new part time mission calling. We are so proud of them. Micalas kids came and so did my Grandma and Grandpa Blau. Dad and Micala had a dinner at there house afterwards. Micala surprised my dad with a English Setter puppy. He named her Mya. She is so cute. Brylee and all the kids fell in love with her instantly. Afterwards we went to Jason and Mai for a for minutes and then stopped by my Grandma Falslevs. We didn't end up getting home till after midnight and we were exhausted.

My Family


Brylees Adventures!