Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I hope your whole life is one beautiful dance!

I am so excited and grateful for Brylee being able to have the opportunity to take dance. She has always been my little dancer! She was so funny when I took her shopping for her dance clothes and shoes. She kept kissing my hand and telling me “Thanks mom!”. Last night I told her she needed to get to bed and get some rest so she could go to dance in the morning. She went right up to bed and went right to sleep. When I dropped her off at the dance studio I didn't expect to get so emotional. She went right up to her class and was listening to her teacher right away. It made me realize my baby girl is growing up so fast! C.J. wasn't to happy either. He didn't like leaving Brylee there. He kept saying “Brylee Brylee” in the saddest little voice till we went and picked her up. If CJ and I got so emotional about taking her to dance I can't imagine how I'm going to feel when she starts school on Tuesday! :( But the good news is that Brylee loved it! I love you so much Bylee. I hope your whole life is one beautiful dance!

Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music. ~William Stafford


Unknown said...

Your guys' kids are ADOrABLE!!
Justin- I'm so sad that I missed you at my Grams viewing! I bet your the BEST Father!If you want an invite to my blog email me @

tbergsjo said...

I am so glad I am not the only one the cries when I drop my kids off for the first day of something. It hasn't ever gotten any easier for me :). She looks adorable. I can't believe she is old enough to go to school and dance. That is so weird to me. Wow!

Tara Bergsjo said...

She is so beautiful and will be a great little dancer!! We love you Brylee!!

Chels said...

How cute! This is so awesome, I bet shes just loving it! So cute

Chels said...
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Veronica said...

What a cutie. Moments like that are definitly bitter sweet.

My Family


Brylees Adventures!