Twenty five years ago my mother gave birth to me. I'm sure she was excited and had so many hopes and dreams. Hopes and dreams that she would have wanted to share with her children. I'm sure she thought about what kind of mother she would have wanted to be. Having that mother daughter relationship. Watching us grow, helping us with those hard decisions everyone has to make in life, Dating, seeing us get married and have children(I know I have thought about these things with my children). Unlike most women I know she was always so excited to become a Grandma. She could have been such a great one. I imagine her having sleep overs with her grandchildren, making popcorn, watching movies, coming over to help with last minute school projects just like she did with me and helping me make creative Halloween costumes for my kids.

I'm not sure when the decision was made. Before or after I was born. I guess it doesn't really matter. But she made the decision to take that first drink. I'm sure when she did, she had no idea how it would change her and her children's lives forever. I believe that if she was able to look into the future that choice would have turned out to be a different one. I'm not sure how long it took, but I'm sure it was shortly after. My mother became a alcoholic and

I know some people don't agree with my decision to allowed limited contact between her and my kids. But what they don't understand is that I promised myself my kids would have a different childhood then mine. They wouldn't have to watch someone they love destroy there life. They may think that a child wouldn't understand or recognize these things going on around them. But no matter how hard you try to hide them. They do! It's my job as mother to protect them no matter what and I had to protect them from her. I wish so bad that things could have been different. That she would have taken one of those many opportunities she had offered to her to get help but she didn't. I love my mom and always had hope that someday she would get help and we could have that life together. That mother daughter relationship.The day she died took away that hope.
I just hope that something positive can come from her death. That someone can look at her life, her story and recognize that they don't want to take the chance to have that be there story. That

You did a great job on that post. Sometimes it is so hard to put our feelings about mom into words. I know how much she wanted to be a grandma. I just think by the time it happened she was so unhealthy she did know how to be. I also hope that moms story will help change peoples lives. I hate the thought of more kids going through what we have had to. Sometimes it is so hard for me to look at pictures of mom when she was so beautiful. I get so many crazy feelings and wish so so so bad that things could have been different with her. I will always love and miss our mom so much! I love you and I am so glad we are as close as we are! Love you tons!!!
Tippy Toes,
I really love how much you put yourself out there for this post.
I think that even if someone's death makes us reflect on our lives and think about our path and our choices, whatever answers we come to, then something good has already come of their passing.
I don't know if you want to hear approval or not, but I think that you were 100% correct to keep your kids from her.
I know that sounds harsh and you can't hide them from every danger but you can hide them from the dangers you see. Not only can you -but as a parent - you should feel obligated to. I don't see how you could have done any different.
I know it was a hard thing for you and Tara to deal with, I know how much you wanted your mom in your lives. But you made the choice thoughtfully and unselfishly.
I am so proud of how you and Tara have raised your kids. You are thoughtful wonderful parents and great people.
I love you so much.
Happy late birthday Tiff!! We love you! :D
Thanks Tiff for that post. I can't imagine what you and your family have been through. I know with out a doubt you and Tara did the right thing and I am proud of you for it because I know it was not easy and never was. Love you guys!
Tiff, that is awsome that you can talk about it like that. I totally agree, I cant say that I know how you feel, but I do understand. Knowledge is power baby! I am a strong believer in that and sometimes we are given trials so we may learn. sorry for your loss, but this post is amazing.
love ya
Tiff, Ever since you and Nikki became friends I had a special feeling for you because of what you were going through in your life, I too lived with an alcholic parent and I know how hard it was to live a life that's normal in any way. I admire you for your strength, your children are so wonderful and you will always cherish them just a bit more because of your past, I know I do. Alcohol has not taken my dad yet, but I know it will and you have given me a great example of how to deal with that.
Love Teri (Nikki's Mom)
Hey tiff I am such a bad friend I so spaced your birthday im so sorry. life has been crazy around here so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! As for this post. Tiff u are one of the strongest people i know and as a fellow mom i would have done the same thing u did i am so proud of u tiff you are an amazing mother and wife and everytime im with you it makes me want to be a better mother to my kids and a better wife to my huseband. your kids a very lucky to have a mom like u. i love u tiff keep being the strong woman i know u are and thank u for always being my friend and not giving up on.
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