Well it is finally over and done with at, at least the surgery part. I had my surgery yesterday and it all seemed to go well. I don't seem to be as misurable as I thought I would be, but of course I'm still on alot of pain meds. So we will see how the week goes.
All I can say is I don't know what I would do without my wounderful family, they have been so helpfull. Bonnie drove me to garden city on monday to meet Justin and on her way home she hit a deer or I guess a deer hit her and put a dent in her car, I feel so bad expessially that it happened while doing me a favor. My husbabd took the day off work to help me and to help take care of the kids. He is so wounderful. Tara my amazing sister took the task of taking care of my two kids on top of her own three. Not an easy task Brylee is at that age where she is constantly getting into stuff and the doctor believes C.J. may have acid reflex and that is why he is so fussy. I'm sure she is woundering how I conned her into this one by now. I am so appreceative of all she does for me. I just hope the next couple of days aren't to stressful for her.
My dad is picking me up tomorrow morning and taking me to my post op appontment. I can't drive yet will all my meds.
So what can I say I have a wounderful family.
My Dad Has Anger Issues
3 years ago
Feel better soon! I am glad that everything went ok..
Hi! You don't know me..I am a cousin of Justin's. Anyway, my little girl had acid reflux as a baby. We went from trying several different formula's and giving her medicine every morning. They all helped, but the thing that helped us the most was taking her to the chiropractor. I wished I had taken her there first. Within about 2 weeks there was a huge difference. She was off the medicine and finally sleeping thru the night. Just thought I'd share it with you.
You've got really cute kids!!! Hope you feel better soon!
Feel better Tippy Toes!
good luck with it all. Sounds like you have a wonderful family.
All the new pictures of your kids are adorable.
We are so happy that everything went well! Grandma hit a deer?! Feel better! We love you!
I'm glad everything went okay. If you need anything let me know.
Nields this is uncle fester. Tell Bonnie nice excuse. THE DEER HIT HER??? hmmm... Mary gave me that excuse last spring when she hit her deer. I hope you recover fast. I just had knee surgery and hernia surgery in the past month. So i'm recovering as well. Tell justin to quit giving CJ pepsi and that will help out with the acid. :)
Stopping by to wish you a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs! :) Shauna
Oh my!!! I haven't been checking lately and am so shocked!! You poor thing! I hope you are doing okay. and that you will be feeling better soon. I will keep you in my prayers.
Hey tiff sorry that i havent wrote on here but i have been so busy and my kids have me pulling out my hair. hope your feeling better and i hope you have a wonderful christmas. give the kids a kiss for me and ill talk to you soon
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