Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Steps

Today Brylee stood on her own and then a couple of hours later took her first steps without holding on to anything. I was worried that she wouldn't be walking by the time C.J. gets here, But I guess there is still hope.


Lish Fish said...

How exciting!!! She is way too little to be walking! Crazy...

tbergsjo said...

That is so weird to me. I still feel like she should be a tiny baby. I can't believe she is starting to walk!! She will be running before you know and if you are lucky sassying back :).

Tara Bergsjo said...

Wow, she has sure changed a lot latley! She is getting so big. I can't wait to watch her walk. I hope you come up soon!!

Tara Bergsjo said...

Wow, she has sure changed a lot latley! She is getting so big. I can't wait to watch her walk. I hope you come up soon!!

Veronica said...

yea for Brylee. It is so fun watching them accomplish all their new task. Be prepared, once she starts you won't be able to keep up. I can't get Collin to sit ever.
Ouch on the eye, just another fun adventure of having a toddler.

My Family


Brylees Adventures!