Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Brylees almost a year can you believe it!


tbergsjo said...

I can't believe she is a year already. It makes me wich I could go back to when Allisen was a year. Time goes so fast. I can't believe that Lyndsey is 2 1/2. Before you know it your baby in your tummy with be 2 1/2 and you will wonder where all the time went :).

Tara Bergsjo said...

It is so crazy how time goes by so fast. And I think it goes by faster with each kid! Give Brylee a big kiss and tell her I miss her!!

Mandi Nield said...

yeah she's a qt all right!!! i really can't believe she's almost a year!!! love ya

Unstoppable Lindsey said...

Yup...she is still cute...even at 1. K, so if you want the pics, I need your email. Can you text it to me, or give me a call?

Thanks toots,


Brittney said...

She is so cute! I love her hair! How did you get her to sit still?

My Family


Brylees Adventures!