We had a long but fun Fathers Day weekend! Brylee and I Went to Logan on Friday. We went to the Summer Fest and then To the Demolition Derby With my Sister Tara and her Kids. I was afraid Brylee would get scared at the Derby because of all the noise. Brylee loved it she would stand on my lap and wouldn't take her eyes off the car she was too cute!

Then on Saturday we all went to the park, we Played a little baseball and just enjoyed the sunshine.Ryan did such a Good job at swinging the bat and hitting the ball. We had a picnic and Brylee was a bottomless pit. She Ate everything in sight. I have no idea where it was all going.It was so nice to be able to be out side and not freeze. Last week in Montpelier we woke up to snow in our front yard.

Later that night we made dinner at Taras house and Kensie came over and played with Brylee. Kensie pulled Brylees hair, Brylee didn't cry just gave Kensie a weird look. They are so cute together, I can't wait till they are both a little older and can really interact with one another. Kensie is one of the only kids Brylee knows who is close to her age.