I was just talking to a friend on the phone. We talked about how much life has changed. It’s crazy when I think about it. I think about high school everything seemed crazy and dramatic. It just seems so silly now when I compare the things that were important then to the things that are important now. I look at my friends most of them are married with families of their own. I’m so grateful for all my old friends, it’s fun to look back into our past, to laugh together over silly memories and maybe even cry a little over the not so silly ones. I’m also grateful for all my new friends. They stick with me and help to create new memories.
Things have changed so much since I gained my own testimony of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. I have no doubt in my mind that this is the true church. It’s hard to put into words how I know, but I have had things that have happened that has confirmed it. It’s so sad to think that only six years ago I had no testimony at all. How sad my life was and could have been if I never knew truth and continued down the path I was on.
My life has changed so much. It changed when I got married to the most wonderful man in the world (sorry everyone he’s mine forever) I’ve never been treated with so much love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding. Everyday he just wants to hug me, kiss me and so me how much he loves me.
The next huge event that change me and my life so much was the birth of my Beautiful little girl Brylee Jean. She is the sunshine in my life. Becoming a mother changes you so much. It makes me try so much harder to become a better person. Things that use to bother me in life just don’t seem important anymore as long as my family is safe and happy.
Finding out I was pregnant again was wonderful but also really scary. I hope I can be a good mom to two kids (I guess I should say babies, Brylee will only be 15 months old when this one is born) I know It won’t be easy, but I’ll try my hardest. I’m just glad I have so many people who love me and will help me to adjust.
I know life will continue to change I just hope most of the changes will be good happy changes. I love my life more than I ever thought I could.